The Theremin was the first music synthesizer. The Junior Theremin is our, smaller, version of that classic electronic musical instrument. As you move your hand towards and away from the wire aerial, the Theremin responds by changing the pitch of the note it is playing. It can play individual notes as well as varying the tone of a single note.
How do you use the theremin?
The wire aerial responds to the movement of your hand towards and away from it and changes the pitch of the note it plays, without actually being touched. Junior Theremin works in two modes – continuous and discrete. When you first connect the battery Junior Theremin is in continuous mode. Pressing both pushbuttons together switches between continuous and discrete modes. Discrete mode, as its name implies, plays individual or discrete notes rather than a continuously variable tone. Eight notes over a single octave are available. In discrete mode the two pushbuttons change the octave of the notes. The left-hand pushbutton (marked -) lowers the octave, and the right-hand pushbutton (marked +) raises the octave. The pushbuttons only change the octave so long as they are pressed. In continuous mode the pushbuttons have no effect.